Where to begin?
The not-so-icy (only on the inside) holidays were blurrier than usual (for more than one reason, haha). It’s hard to believe I’m already moved in somewhere, settled, really. Working at a job, 8-5, Monday through Friday. Me? Really?
Yes, indeed. I definitely made the most of 2011, though, let me tell you!!! In December alone, I graced five different cities with my presence, ringing in the New Year in At-lan-ta, Geor-gia with my partner in crime/brother, the fabulous Mr. Wilson Kirkpatrick!!! We had more fun than we knew what to do with and are probably lucky we didn’t get arrested for loitering. Or voyeurism. Or both. I can’t imagine what fun we would have had if I wouldn’t have been fighting a stomach flu the whole time I was there. Haha, I really know how to “bring the fun!”
Seriously, Wilson K is the KING of southern hospitality. If you’re ever in the ATL, look that guy UP!!! You’re sure to meet some friends, eat til you’re beyond stuffed, and meet a drag queen and/or stripper. Or two.
The first six days of the New Year were spent running all over Chicago, doing almost exactly what I did when I came home from India: hanging out 24 hours a day and hardly ever sleeping. But it was SO worth it. Between a dinner party, a few lovely evenings and a Friendship Squad meeting, I saw everyone I could have ever hoped for (even twice or thrice!) and had one of the best, most beautiful days of my life with two very, very dear friends (55 degrees and Frisbee outside in January, what!?!) Chicago was definitely showing me what I was about to be missing. If I can now count Chicago, my ex-home as an ex-lover, I would definitely want her back. Guaranteed.
I spent about 72 straight hours in the comfort of besties, who gave me an even better send off this time around. Even though last time I went to India, it felt less permanent than moving to Virginia feels. With India, we all knew there was a time-line of six months attached. Now, here, in Virginia, there’s so much to tempt me, the great outdoors, the sky that stretches on for miles, the roads that wind and twist all over the place, the air that smells so fresh I can’t even describe it, the open field in front of my house, the dozens of trees in the back yard where animals frolick freely, the big bedroom with enough room to do yoga in (!!!), the game room complete with my record collection and a pool table, working in a tiny little office with several lovely other people (all women!!): it doesn’t leave a lot to be desired.
The journey to get here spanned several days, several cities and about a thousand miles. One day I boarded the Megabus, a few days later I packed a few belongings into a pick-up truck, and the following day my mom and I braved freezy, snowy, salty conditions with those same belongings and a cooler packed into a brand-new Accord. My mom should definitely be a Nascar driver: she is fearless! I really cannot imagine how she could ever give me a hard time about my driving, but I guess she doesn’t have to ride as a passenger often in her very own race car.
We had a good time, filled with whiplash, snacks and lots of laughs (that’s right, it took my neck a few days to heal from our journey, haha), and as soon as we arrived in Virginia, I wasn’t nervous anymore. That’s right, myself, Danielle M. Harkins, was mildly nervous to be (yet again) spanning the lengths of time and space in search of a new home. So what? The nerves were easily soothed by a few glasses of wine. And a few beers. And some more food. By the time I had completely unpacked my (sparse) belongings the following day, I was “cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce.” I guess after sojourning half way across the world to live for six months in a place where I didn’t know a soul helped to prepare me for a short cross-country move.
I didn’t even have butterflies in my stomach on my first day of work! This was an all-time first. It must be because I get to dress up for work and I look pretty good when I try, which equals confidence. Duh. I like to think of myself as jackpot hot, lol. I think Aunt Stacy was a little nervous about myself and my wardrobe, as for the past few years on the few occasions I’ve seen her I’ve had on my usual uniform (t-shirt, mini-skirt, leggings, tube socks, sneakers). When I got dressed for work yesterday (completely with clean hair and make-up) she kept remarking how nice I looked and how surprised she was. It’s amazing what a person can be motivated to do when she is expected to wear something besides a t-shirt with some dorky logo on it (no offense to any who may currently be sporting that same t-shirt with that same dorky logo :] ). Not wearing a name-tag, being related to the boss and knowing where to find (and how to wear!) all of my clothes has a certain degree of confidence attached to it that I’ve yet to experience in my 10+ years of working prior to this.
I must admit, it feels good to be settled! People are already telling me I look younger, as I’m pretty sure being homeless for the past few months was starting to take its toll on me, both physically and mentally. I was feeling tired all the time and very displaced, waking up like “Where the hay am I?!?!” almost every day. It was fun at first, but after four months, it’s definitely sweet to know I’ll be (hopefully) staying put for a while. My guitar has a home, my knitting has a basket, my clothes have a consistent place to hang (no longer packing and unpacking them in and out of suitcases), my stereo has a cabinet, my DVD’s have a shelf, my vinyl has a crate, and my writing things have a desk and a chair: whew. Wow. I am so lucky and so thankful to everyone for this experience! To Chicago and my friends there for letting me go without too much of a fight, to my parents for helping me move all this way, and to my dearest Auntie for welcoming me by giving me a place to stay, plenty of meals to eat and a job to work.
This little bird definitely cannot complain! 2012 is getting off to a great start, since 2011 definitely has some GIGANTIC shoes to fill. Succinctly, I’m happy, I feel good, I’m busy and I haven’t had time to get sad about missing/not having my friends yet, since my days are so full. But still, friends, amigos, lovers, besties: don’t forget me yet, ok? This feeling may wear off in a day or in a year, but I’ll still always be happy to see you, speak to you, poke you, email you, Skype you (despite my hatred for it’s slowness), high-five you, travel with you, etc.
Peace, love, joy, happiness, silliness, spunkiness, sauciness, loveliness to all!!! Oh, and happy trails to you.
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Yeah, we're pretty related. |
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Mr. Southern Hospitality himself. This could be all yours... |
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The view of the ATL from Wilson's roof: pretty sweet. I also learned what a Belvedere is... |
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Spinning out of control at the Sun Dial in At-lan-ta. |
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French Press at Octane in Atlanta. |
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Rockin' not just one but TWO balls. In his mouth. |
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AHHHH! I screamed pretty loud when I saw this (in a good way). <3 this girl. |
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(most of) the Friendship Squad (aka some of my favorite weirdos) |
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Mostly reminds me of a scene in 16 Candles. If you know what I'm talking about, I love you more. |
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G.D. Fritos! MSG! |
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my new bedside table: for pre-sleeping and after-waking (book+dream journal). |
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My first-day-of-work suit. You can't see it, but I'm rockin' some brand new, big black Justin's. |